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Boarded Orchids

What is orchid boarding?

Boarding your orchids is a great way to enjoy the wonderful and varied world of orchids without having to turn your home into a rainforest. In its most basic form things work like this:

California Orchids grows your orchids while they are out of flower and delivers them to you when they are in flower. When the flowers are finished, we pick them up and bring them back to the greenhouse to care for them until they flower again.

The process can be refined in many directions according to what you need. Most people have favorite colors, shapes and types, while other clients have more botanical concerns like collecting endangered species or awarded species and hybrids. Perhaps you feel sentimental about Uncle Harry's collection and want to keep it going as a remembrance of him. The idea is that we can provide a variety of microclimates in our greenhouses so that you can enjoy a truly varied collection.

Our service area includes all of Marin County. We are happy to grow for clients in other areas but we do not provide delivery and pick up to other areas. If you would like to talk to us about our services, feel free to email
info@californiaorchids.com, call us at the nursery (415) 713-0203, or complete our form if you would like us to call you.


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