To keep your collection satisfying it is a good idea to take out plants that you don't want anymore, for whatever reason. Here are several ways to think about what to do with those plants.

If the plants are not very healthy, are virused, or prone to spots or disease, it is best to throw them away.

If the plants are in good shape there are several places that might like to take them for you:

Colleges and Universities, and Public Gardens:
Many have gardening programs and they can use the plants for their classes. We have donated plants to San Francisco City College The Conservatory of Flowers, and The Botanical Garden in San Francisco. It usually takes a call to the Horticulture or Landscaping Department to find the right person to talk to. They are often thrilled to have orchids to teach with.

Friends, Relatives and Employees may be delighted to take on plants that you don't want. Ask them!

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